What does Manual Adhesion Release (MAR) treat?
If you have been alive on this earth for more than 16 years, you most likely have adhesions. Adhesions (scar tissue) are possibly the most common musculoskeletal pathology in existence. These adhesions develop in muscles, between muscles and between muscles and nerves. Adhesions form secondarily to inflammation and hypoxia. Manual Adhesion Release (MAR) generates tension directly on the adhesion to reduce and eliminate it. The technique is the most accurate and effective method at eliminating soft tissue adhesion (scar tissue).
The concept behind MAR is very simple. However, the application requires considerable knowledge and skill. At Prime Spine Associates, we offer the very best methods to diagnose and treat myofascial adhesions. In fact, Elma chiropractors Dr. Zelasko and Dr. McCrea continue to practice and train with some of the best musculoskeletal providers from around the world to further develop their skills in this area.
To have your chiropractic issues resolved using cutting edge techniques, call Prime Spine Associates today at 716-677-5525.
Certified in Advanced Chiropractic Care