Are you experiencing Elbow Pain?
Golfer’s Elbow (Medial Epicondylitis)
This is referring to pain in the inside aspect of the elbow. For instance if you were to hold your arm out in front of you with your palm up, the part of your elbow that is closest to your midline.
This spot on the humerus is an attachment point for many of the forearm muscles that are associated with grip. These muscles muscles also help out with elbow flexion and wrist flexion as they cross both joints.
Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis)
This refers to pain in the outside aspect of the elbow. Holding your arm out in front of you with the palm up, we are talking about the part of your elbow that is more to the outside.
In this position you can’t see this part of your elbow unless you turn your palm down and bend your arm slightly. This point on the elbow is the attachment point for many of the finger and wrist extensors. These muscles also aid in straightening the elbow joint.
Both of these injuries occur from excessive gripping or use of the muscles of the forearm in general. Many carpenters, mechanics, and computer workers will experience these types of injuries over their lifetime.
Majority of the time there is more than one pathology that needs to be addressed in order to gain complete resolution of the injury.
Temporarily speaking, if one would purchase a strap and place it around the forearm just below the elbow, one can experience a decrease in their symptoms and go on with their work or activity. THIS IS NOT A SOLUTION, it’s simply just a bandaid and allows a person to ignore their problems.
The absolute best thing to do is get a proper diagnosis from a specialized Orchard Park Chiropractor so you can get a complete and accurate diagnosis. This way you are aware of all aspects of the injury and you can put together the proper treatment plan and rehab plan to take care of the issue once and for all.
CORTISONE INJECTIONS ARE THE ABSOLUTE WORST THING YOU COULD DO FOR THIS INJURY. Yes, it will reduce the pain. But, what you have done is shut off the body’s healing process. You now have a damaged tendon that is no longer being healed by the body.
You on the other hand don’t feel any pain so you continue to go about your activity that caused the problem in the first place. Your injury in turn gets worse without your knowledge until it finally ruptures or get’s so bad you lose the ability to use that part of your body all together and require surgery to fix.